Look out, Allendale County Schools has a new app! Never miss what's happening in the school district by downloading the Allendale County Schools app. It's everything ACS, in your pocket. Check out this news story! https://www.acs.k12.sc.us/article/147105?org=acs
over 5 years ago, ACS
It's Saturday and our scholars have dedicated time to learning! ACS has implemented Saturday School for all students K-12. Each session, students use USA Test Prep and I-Ready for additional support in math and reading. Great job parents! #ChangingtheHeadlines #AllendaleFORWARD
over 5 years ago, ACS
Elementary students at Saturday School
Students at Saturday School
Students at Saturday School
The rain didn’t stop the fun at the ACS Community-Wide Fall Festival! Every student collected lots of treats from community groups and organizations, played games and received BOOKS! The District’s focus on literacy was in full swing! Check out the ACS Facebook for photos!
over 5 years ago, ACS
Reading with student
Leath and kids
The ACS Community-Wide Fall Festival is a day away! Tomorrow, from 6 PM to 8 PM, we will have storytelling, the truck or treat, book giveaways, the ACS Community Meeting and much more! Due to rain predictions, activities will take place in the AFM/HS gym. We’ll see you there!
over 5 years ago, ACS
Fall Festival
Guess who Dr. Latoya Dixon found at Clemson University’s Homecoming festivities...Chelsea! Dr. Dixon is the Director for the Office of School Transformation for the South Carolina Department of Education. You may remember Chelsea from the heartfelt speech she delivered at the SCDE Board Meeting this past June. Chelsea is a 2019 graduate of Allendale-Fairfax High and now attends Clemson University. Enjoy Homecoming, ladies!
over 5 years ago, ACS
Dr. Dixon and Chelsea.
ACS is excited to be offering School-Based Telehealth as a result of our partnership with the MUSC Center for Telehealth. Please complete the enrollment forms to enroll your student by visiting sctelehealth.org/schools/allendale today!
over 5 years ago, ACS
Telehealth in ACS
In lieu of our traditional ACS Monthly Community Meeting for the month of October, Allendale County Schools will host the ACS Community-Wide Fall Festival! The event will include face-painting, storytelling, trunk-or-treat, games, music, free books for students and an update from the school district! Come out and join us for a night of fun and reading!
over 5 years ago, ACS
Fall Fest
ACS is offering Saturday School for all K-12 students who need additional support in math and reading. Dates for Saturday School are October 12th & 19th, November 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd December 7th, 14th and January 11th & 25th.
over 5 years ago, ACS
Saturday School
Today, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Skip Kugler and Mr. Ed Bignon who are board members of the parent company of the Smiles of a Lifetime Dental Centers. We can't thank you all enough for what you allow your company to do for our students!
over 5 years ago, Dr. M. Gilmore
Board members of Welvista
Welvista board members and Dr. Gilmore
Today, ACS was graced with the presence of Jermaine Bell! You might remember this incredible kid for his kind gesture of using his Disney World savings to feed Hurricane Dorian evacuees traveling through Allendale. Thank you for your kindness and having ACS on your mind Jermaine!
over 5 years ago, ACS
Jermaine with Dr. Gilmore
Jermaine with Dr. Gilmore
Jermaine with Dr. Gilmore
Happy National Custodian Day! Today, the heroes who are responsible for ensuring our schools are clean and safe received a special gift — free lunches! We appreciate the custodial staff of ACS and their supervisor, Mr. Brandyburg. You all are awesome!
over 5 years ago, ACS
AFM/HS Custodians
FES Custodians
AES Custodians
Field trip! Little New Steps visited the Allendale Hampton Jasper Regional Library in Allendale today in an effort to foster a love for literacy for the youngest students in ACS — our babies.
over 5 years ago, ACS
LNS at AHJ Regional Library
LNS at AHJ Regional Library
Allendale-Fairfax Middle students toured the University of South Carolina Aiken this week and they had a blast! While in Pacer Country, students learned about preparing for college and being successful while in college. Students also learned more about USC Aiken specifically which has ranked top three for 21 consecutive years by U.S. News and World Report for Regional Comprehensive Public College in the South. This was an amazing opportunity for our scholars! #ChangingtheHeadlines #AllendaleForward
over 5 years ago, ACS
AFMS at USC Aiken
AFMS at USC Aiken
AFMS at USC Aiken
Today, Allendale County Schools has the honor of hosting the Regional PSinSC Training. Welcome to Allendale County Schools Power School Clerks! #ChangingtheHeadlines #AllendaleFORWARD
over 5 years ago, ACS
Regional PSinSC Training in Allendale
Regional PSinSC Training
Allendale County Schools will implement a clear bag policy for all football and basketball games beginning September 27th at the Allendale-Fairfax High School Homecoming game. This policy is being implemented across the state of South Carolina and will be enforced in ACS with the help of the Allendale County Sheriff's Department. See link below for details. https://5il.co/aeqa
over 5 years ago, ACS
Clear bag policy
Allendale County Schools held its second Community Meeting on September 23rd. If you missed the celebrations, fret not! Check out the livestream of the meeting here bit.ly/2meXtH29CM
over 5 years ago, ACS
Allendale County Schools will have its September Community Meeting on Monday, September 23, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the MultiPurpose Room - AFHS. I hope to see all students, parents, teachers and community members there. From the Superintendent's Office Dr. M. Gilmore
over 5 years ago, Dr. Margaret Gilmore
Allendale County Schools held its Prayer Walk for the second year inviting local faith leaders to pray at each school campus and the District Office.
over 5 years ago, ACS
Local faith and community leaders praying at ACS school campuses
Local community and faith leaders praying at each school.
Today, Allendale-Fairfax High’s JROTC honored the fallen heroes of the United States Armed Forces during their annual 9/11 Ceremony. We will never forget their sacrifices.
over 5 years ago, ACS
JROTC cadets during the 9/11 Ceremony.
JROTC cadets during AFHS 9/11 Ceremony
JROTC Cadets during the AFHS 9/11 Ceremony
ACS Parents: All Allendale County Schools will open tomorrow at regular time. Please stay tuned to your local news stations for weather updates and find updates from ACS here and on our website.
over 5 years ago, ACS
School bus