ATTENTION: Superintendent Dr. Cave has important information regarding random searches and our hoodie policy. Please view here:
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Allendale County Schools will offer Thanksgiving Dinners for $5 each on Thursday, November 16th. Parents and guardians will have the opportunity to each lunch with their child(ren) at the designated times. If interested, please RSVP and submit payment to your school by 3:00 PM on Tuesday, November 14th.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
INVITATION ALLENDALE COUNTY SCHOOLS Thanksgiving Dinner o • TURKEY & DRESSING WITH GRAVY • CRANBERRY SAUCE • YAMS • YEAST ROLLS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16 COST: $5 PER MEAL (CASH ONLY) TIME: 11:00 AM TO 1:30 PM Elementary (803)-584-3476 Middle (803)-584-3489 High (803)-584-2311 Please RSVP to your school by Tuesday, November 14th at 3:00 PM *Upon receiving your RSVP with payment, the school will provide you with your child's specific lunch time.
AFES will be having a PTO/SIC meeting next week, November 14th at 5:30 PM. Parents we need your support! #togetherwecandothis
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
More AFES Students of the Month for September and October.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School recognized their first quarter Students of the Month at their Awards Day Ceremony.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
student of the month
Mrs. Leath awarded medals to our AFES Golden Tigers for their achievements this quarter.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
The Allendale-Fairfax Elementary Awards Day Ceremony celebrated students with exemplary behavior, attendance, and grades. Teachers, administrators, parents, and board members came out to support our Golden Tigers!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
mrs leath
allendale-fairfax elementary school awards day ceremony
dr. mccollum
board members
mrs robinson
During October 30th-November 5th our students can participate in Paper’s Fall Focus contest. This contest features the brand new Paper Missions experience as well as the refined Paper Reading experience. All elementary and middle school students (Grades 3-8) can participate by completing learning moments for a chance to win a variety of prizes. They can take on Paper Missions to practice and enhance their math and ELA skills, or they can dive into Paper Reading to boost their literacy skills.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
PAPER Introducing the Fall Focus Contest! Students complete as many learning moments during the week of Oct 30 - Nov 5 for a chance to win prizes! - The top 3 districts with the most learning moments per student will be awarded $1000 each - The top 3 schools with the most learning moments per student will win a sponsored pizza party as well as Paper backpacks
Reminder that tomorrow, October 31st, AFES will be having Awards Day for our Golden Tigers at 9:00 AM.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Join the Annual Allendale Fairfax National Night Out Trunk or Treat on Saturday October 28, 2023 from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM at the Flea Market in Fairfax, SC. This is a free family event sponsored by the Fairfax Community Action Group, so please come out!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Annual Allendale Fairfax National Night Out TRUNK OR TREAT Saturday October, 28 2023 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM -Hwy. 278 (Flea Market) - Fairfax, SC Door prizes, refreshments, treat bags and more! Monetary and candy donations are welcome! THIS IS A FREE FAMILY EVENT!! For vendor or more info contact: Tiffine Forester (803) 842-0202 Tonia Capers-Jones (803) 686-0179 Crystal Isham (803) 842-0149 COSTUME CONTEST BEGINS AT 4:00 PM TRUNK OR TABLE DECORATING BEGINS AT 1:00 PM SPONSORED BY: FAIRFAX COMMUNITY ACTION
We are so proud of Khole Summers and Jamal Allen for exceeding on the SC Alt for grades 3rd – 8th.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
khole summers
jamal allen
khole summers
jamal allen
khole summers
We want to commend the following 3rd-5th graders for exceeding on their SC Ready Test(s)! Nyleishah Lee-Brant Chandler Morell Matthew Morell Carter Patterson Jasmyn Penn Trinity Pinckney Kaleb Rollins Jahanna Sanders Jaida Sanders Avina Stroud
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Nyleishah Lee-Brant
chandler morell
matthew morell
carter patterson
jasmyn penn
trinity pincnkey
kaleb rollins
jahanna sanders
jaida sanders
avina stroud
We want to commend the following 3rd-5th graders for exceeding on their SC Ready Test(s)! Heaven Tinsley-Hay Amari Walker
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
heaven tinsley-hay
amari walker
We want to commend the following 3rd-5th graders for exceeding on their SC Ready Test(s)! Jayceon Brown Aiden Chen Kyleigh Cohen K'Jenae Cunningham Camryn Eaton Zayla Ebron Kinsley Fraizer Mico Gentle Kaiden Gill Mariah Housey
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
jayceon brown
aiden chen
kyleigh cohen
K’Jenae Cunningham
camryn eaton
zayla ebron
kinsley fraizer
mico gentle
kaiden gill
mariah housey
Let's honor two of our students who were able to get perfect scores on the Math SC Ready Test. Mariah Housey (3rd Grade) scored a perfect score of 825 and Lavazhia Morell (8th Grade) scored a perfect score of 950. We want to commend these students for giving their very best!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Lavazhia Morell and mariah housey
mariah housey
Lavazhia Morell
Lavazhia Morell getting her award
mariah housey
Congratulations to our Elementary Superintendent's Students of the Month: Langston Washington, Kailey Fraizer, Kathryn Schlins and Tyrin Doe
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
langston washington
kailey fraizer
kathryn schlins
tyrin doe
Remember, tomorrow, Oct 17 is picture day. The link does not work so students will bring their money to school. Students who pay for pictures may dress down. Everyone else will wear their uniform.
about 1 year ago, Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School
Introducing our weekly newsletter, called Tiger Times! Link to view:
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
tiger times this week in the tigers den superintendent dr cave homecoming court football games superintendent address professional development intercession college day board/community meeting state superintendent weaver trequan jenkins
Join the Annual Allendale Fairfax National Night Out Trunk or Treat on Saturday October 28, 2023 from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM at the Flea Market in Fairfax, SC. This is a free family event sponsored by the Fairfax Community Action Group, so please come out!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Annual Allendale Fairfax National Night Out TRUNK OR TREAT Saturday October, 28 2023 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM -Hwy. 278 (Flea Market) - Fairfax, SC Door prizes, refreshments, treat bags and more! Monetary and candy donations are welcome! THIS IS A FREE FAMILY EVENT!! For vendor or more info contact: Tiffine Forester (803) 842-0202 Tonia Capers-Jones (803) 686-0179 Crystal Isham (803) 842-0149 COSTUME CONTEST BEGINS AT 4:00 PM TRUNK OR TABLE DECORATING BEGINS AT 1:00 PM SPONSORED BY: FAIRFAX COMMUNITY ACTION
Mrs. Leath is the dedicated principal here at Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School. We want to acknowledge her contribution to the school and community during National Principals Month!
over 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
AFES Principal Mrs. Leath is the dedicated principal at Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School. She is the “constant” in Allendale, because she never leaves and always returns every school year. She truly belives in the future of Allendale. hobbies Education Specialist 1997 University of South Carolina Sheila Leath Education BS degree in Early Childhood  1983 Applachian State University Classroom Teacher - 10 years  District curriculum - 2 years Assistant Principal - 2 years Early childhood - 2 years Principal - 24 years Arts & Crafts Spending time with family & friends Going out to eat & to events EXPERIENCE Allendale County Schools - 40 years Masters in Early Childhood 1991 University of South Carolina Fun Fact: Mrs. Leath once cycled 100 miles in one day from Orangeburg, SC to Charleston SC. This is known as a century.