Congratulations to our scholars at Allendale-Fairfax Middle School that made the 2nd quarter Honor Roll! You are awesome!
about 4 years ago, ACS
Congratulations to our scholars at Fairfax Elementary School that made the 2nd quarter Honor Roll! Job well done!
about 4 years ago, ACS
We are so grateful for our partnership with SRP Federal Credit Union. Thank you parents for using your Affinity Debit card. Each time our amazing parents and community friends swipe their affinity debit card, a small percentage goes to support the scholars of Allendale County School District. #ACSRising #ChangingtheHeadlines #AllendaleForward
about 4 years ago, ACS
SRP Gift
LOOK WHO ARE THE BEST PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELORS IN THE WORLD!!!!!! Thank you for providing a unique contribution to our scholars. YOU are simply the BEST!!!!!
about 4 years ago, ACS
Marilyn Davis, Fairfax Elementary School
Jalissa Newton,  Allendale Elementary School
Cecilie Price, Allendale-Fairfax Middle School
Jessica Kinard, Allendale-Fairfax High School
The Salkehatchie Education Consortium (SEC) needs your help! Complete this survey to provide us with important information for planning for the school year 2021-2022. The school districts involved in this planning from the SEC include: Allendale, Bamberg 1, Bamberg 2, Barnwell 19, Hampton 1, Hampton 2 and Williston School District 29. Visit the link below to provide feedback on the consortium's virtual learning program, today!
about 4 years ago, ACS
On Monday, January 11, the Allendale County School District will resume face-to-face instruction. We encourage our students and staff to continue practicing the COVID-19 safety guidelines for the health and benefit of all. Visit our COVID-19 webpage for more updates:
about 4 years ago, ACS
Congratulations to all of the 1st Quarter Honor Roll Students!
over 4 years ago, AFHS
AFHS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
AFHS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
AFHS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
AFHS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
We are sending a special "thank you" to our friends at The Rock Hill Christian Church Disciples of Christ for organizing an ice cream social for the hybrid students at all of our schools yesterday. Members of the church met with Superintendent Dr. Gilmore to brainstorm a way to bring smiles to our scholars' faces. Italian ice was provided by Randolph Artisan Italian & Gelato.
over 4 years ago, ACS
Ice cream social
ice cream social
Rock Hill Church
Ice cream
Happy Veterans Day! 🇺🇸
over 4 years ago, ACS
Veteran's Day
We are excited to begin our Fall Parenting Partners Virtual Workshop series. Register by visiting today!
over 4 years ago, ACS
Parenting Partners Workshops
It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of a freshman at Allendale-Fairfax High School last evening. Parents, our students will have varied reactions to the death of a peer. Any reaction is normal in the grief process and can range from withdrawal to crying and anger. I encourage you to openly discuss with your child his/her reactions and feelings regarding this tragedy. If any student should need additional counseling support, we encourage him/her to contact the School Counseling Department at (803) 584-2311. We ask that you keep our students, staff, and community in your thoughts and prayers today.
over 4 years ago, Dr. M. Gilmore
Join us tonight for the Allendale County School District's October Community Meeting for District updates, student recognitions and more live at at 6 p.m. We look forward to seeing you tune in!
over 4 years ago, ACS
Join us for the ACS Parent Support Meeting to better assist your child with learning in our current circumstances. Topics that will be covered include at-home iReady testing, TutorMe and Virtual and hybrid model learning. All attendees are required to wear face masks. Temperature checks will take place upon entry and social distancing will be enforced. We look forward to seeing you there!
over 4 years ago, ACS
Parent Support
Allendale-Fairfax Middle Schools sends a special "thank you" to the Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church for donating $50 gift cards for each teacher to purchase additional classroom sanitizing supplies. "We wish to express our deepest appreciation to each of you for the excellent job you do in preparing our children to face the challenges they encounter each day and will face in the future. Education and faith is the key to their success. We deeply appreciate and support each of you.”
over 4 years ago, ACS
Great news! Today, Allendale County Schools received desk shields for every school as a means to provide additional protection for each of our hybrid students. These desk shields were donated to our schools by the South Carolina Department of Education.
over 4 years ago, ACS
Desk shields
Congratulations, Jamie!
over 4 years ago, ACS
Congratulations, Jamie!
Thanks to local farmers and Bayer Fund, Allendale County Schools received an America's Farmers Grow Rural Education grant. We are excited to use these funds to enhance STEM curriculum for our scholars.
over 4 years ago, ACS
Parents, free COVID-19 testing will be administered for the families of Allendale County by the Palmetto Palace Mobile Health Unit this Friday. To protect the health and well-being of our community, we encourage our families to take advantage of this opportunity.
over 4 years ago, ACS
COVID testing
Good morning, Tiger Family! We are excited to kickoff the 2020 - 2021 school year! For details about Leap Week and Parent Orientation, visit
over 4 years ago, ACS
Leap Week
ACS family, call in on Monday for ACS reopening updates and Q&A with Superintendent Dr. Gilmore.
over 4 years ago, ACS
Call in on Monday for ACS reopening updates and Q&A with Superintendent Dr. Gilmore.