Let's congratulate the middle school students with Academic Excellence for the 1st quarter!
We appreciate the students who show up to class everyday. Here are some of our middle school scholars with perfect attendance for the 1st quarter.
Let's acknowledge some of the middle school students who earned the Most Improvement Award.
Some of our middle school students that were recognized for their outstanding character during the 1st quarter!
Allendale-Fairfax Middle School celebrated students who made high achievements for the 1st quarter. Students were awarded for Academic Excellence, Perfect Attendance, Most Improved, and Best Character. The ceremony would have not been successful without the support of the teachers, administrators, students, and parents.
With the 2nd Annual Golf Tournament days away, registration will be closing soon. Please contact Norman Fisher or Stanley Rogers for a spot in the tournament. All proceeds will go to the AFHS Bow Tie Club and JROTC.
JRTOC will be having a Veteran's Day Program this Friday at 9:30 AM in the AFHS Gymnasium. We invite any veterans from the community to attend, so that their sacrifice can be honored and remembered.
Congratulations to our Fighting Tigers for winning the first round of the SC playoffs with a score of 12-0.
Allendale County Schools, Special Education Department
On December 15, 2023, Allendale County Schools Special Education Department, 3249 Allendale-Fairfax Hwy, Fairfax, SC 29827, will be destroying the Special Education Records of students whose special education services ended more than five years ago. For more information or to arrange pick up of records, you may call Mrs. Tenia Creech at (803) 584-4603, ext. 1130.These records will not be shipped. An individual 18 years of age or older, unless adjudicated, must request his/her own records. Proper identification is required. After December 15, 2023, if no one has retrieved the records, the Department of Special Education will assume that they wish for the records to be destroyed.
More of our scholars honored at the AFHS Awards Ceremony.
Today the high school honored students with A Honor Roll, A-B Honor Roll, B Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance for the 1st Nine Weeks.
There are less than two weeks until the 2nd Annual Golf Tournament on November 11th. This event is sponsored by the AFHS Bow Tie Club and JROTC. So, please register or donate to support these clubs.
More AFES Students of the Month for September and October.
Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School recognized their first quarter Students of the Month at their Awards Day Ceremony.
Mrs. Leath awarded medals to our AFES Golden Tigers for their achievements this quarter.
The Allendale-Fairfax Elementary Awards Day Ceremony celebrated students with exemplary behavior, attendance, and grades. Teachers, administrators, parents, and board members came out to support our Golden Tigers!
During October 30th-November 5th our students can participate in Paper’s Fall Focus contest. This contest features the brand new Paper Missions experience as well as the refined Paper Reading experience. All elementary and middle school students (Grades 3-8) can participate by completing learning moments for a chance to win a variety of prizes. They can take on Paper Missions to practice and enhance their math and ELA skills, or they can dive into Paper Reading to boost their literacy skills.
The second edition of our newsletter, Tiger Times, is now available: https://www.smore.com/wgmre
Students with good behavior enjoyed the PBIS Glow Party this afternoon. The party featured spooky decorations, snack tables, and live music that the children enjoyed!
Join the Annual Allendale Fairfax National Night Out Trunk or Treat on
Saturday October 28, 2023 from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM at the Flea Market in Fairfax, SC. This is a free family event sponsored by the Fairfax Community Action Group, so please come out!