Gentle reminder that tomorrow the Allendale-Fairfax Tiger Battalion will be having a Veterans Day Program at 9:30 AM in the AFHS Gymnasium. This event is open to the community, so let's celebrate our courageous veterans together!

Let's give a warm welcome to our two newest Board Members; Farrah Maner and Althea Carter! These two women will make their debut at our November Board/Community Meeting on the November 18th. We also want to acknowledge Chasity Meyer on winning re-election and maintaining her seat on the board. Congratulations, we are so excited to have you all serve our district!

The Allendale-Fairfax Tiger Battalion invites you to join us in the AFHS Gymnasium on Monday, November 11th at 9:30 AM for a program in honor of Veterans Day. There will be cake, presentations, and performances, so that we can pay tribute to our brave veterans. Please help us celebrate our heroes!

Don't forget that you can hang out with your local firefighters today from 11AM- 2PM. They are having an open house at the Allendale County Fire Department, and the public is welcome! This is a great chance to meet your local firefighters or learn about fire prevention. We hope to see you there!

Join us for our second Proud Parenting Partners Workshop session tonight at 6PM. You can attend in person or call in via Zoom. Tonight, we will be focusing on how to create confident children, so don't miss out! November 7th link is https://acs-k12-sc-us.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrf-qhqT8oGNxWA04y7l3Qw4nSOXhLHJz-

Good afternoon Tiger Family,
This is an update of our athletic attendance procedures. Tomorrow will be our final football game as we take on the Ridgeland Jaguars. Each student-athlete will be allowed two guests (Parent/Guardian) to attend the game. Our cheerleaders and football players will need to complete the Microsoft Form that was emailed to them from Athletic Director, Coach Brandyburg. Those younger non-school age children that are in the care of a parent/guardian attending the game will be admitted. This contest will be at no cost to our fans. Please be reminded that there is a clear bag policy as well as everyone entering the stadium will be searched and/or wanded. As we move into basketball season, please expect further communication as we share our new attendance procedures for our winter athletic contests.

Dear Allendale County Parents and Families,
Due to the forecast of heavy rains throughout the afternoon, all after-school events and activities will be cancelled today, November 7th. We ask that you please make arrangements for your child to be picked up promptly at the regular dismissal time. Thank you for your understanding, and we will keep you updated on any further changes.
Be safe out there,
Superintendent Dr. Vallerie Cave

Listen to our very own Superintendent Dr. Vallerie Cave and one of our FullMind teachers, Sean Blanchard discuss the impact Fullmind has made on our rural district! FullMind is helping us triump a teacher shortage by supplying us with quality virtual teachers like Mr. Blanchard. You can listen here: https://www.fullmindlearning.com/blog/innovation-in-rural-education

Parents and Families, please come out on Saturday, November 9th from 11 AM to 2PM to the Allendale County Fire Department. They will be having an open house and will be educating the public about fire prevention. Show your local firefighters some support and get involved in the community!

Reminder that next week on November 14th, we will be hosting Thanksgiving Dinners! Each plate will cost $6 and the registration deadline is November 12th. Payments can be sent in advance through your child or you can pay in person. Come enjoy a classic Thanksgiving meal with your child!

Parents, please do not forget that the first round of our Proud Parenting Partners Workshop will be tonight, November 6th and tomorrow night, November 7th at 6:00 PM. You can attend in person or by using the Zoom links below. We hope to see you there!
November 6th Zoom Link: https://acs-k12-sc-us.zoom.us/.../tZYsc-GhpjsoHtO2bmV4H1A...
November 7th Zoom Link: https://acs-k12-sc-us.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrf-qhqT8oGNxWA04y7l3Qw4nSOXhLHJz-

Parents, don't forget that tomorrow, November 6th is the first session of the Proud Parenting Partners Workshop, followed by the second session on November 7th at 6:00 PM. Both workshops can be attended in person or via Zoom. At the end of the 6 class series, you will be honored at a graduation. Now is the perfect time to join the Proud Parenting Partners, so please don't hesitate!
November 6th Zoom Link: https://acs-k12-sc-us.zoom.us/.../tZYsc-GhpjsoHtO2bmV4H1A...
November 7th Zoom Link: https://acs-k12-sc-us.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrf-qhqT8oGNxWA04y7l3Qw4nSOXhLHJz-

Parents and families, please be reminded that tomorrow, November 5th is Election Day. There will be no school for students and staff and our district office will be closed. We look forward to seeing everyone return on Wednesday, November 6th.

Take a look at our delicious menu for the month of November! Remember we will be serving Thanksgiving Meals on November 14th. Parents, families, and members of the community can also purchase a plate for $6. Please preregister by November 12th and send your payment by your child or pay in person.

Parents and members of the community, your feedback is important to us. We have a Cell Phone Policy Survey that we would like you to fill out here: https://forms.office.com/r/UwrbCNM3Kc You can also scan the QR code to take the survey.

Parents, remember that the first two sessions of our next Parenting Partners workshop is next week on November 6th and 7th at 6:00 PM. The first week will be focused on Positive Parenting and Creating Confident Kids. We will be sharing valuable information, plus parents who attend all 6 sessions will have a graduation! Do not miss out on this great opportunity to get involved in our schools and learn valuable information!
November 6th Zoom Link: https://acs-k12-sc-us.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsc-GhpjsoHtO2bmV4H1A-2wY92mG9ip4t
November 7th Zoom Link: https://acs-k12-sc-us.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrf-qhqT8oGNxWA04y7l3Qw4nSOXhLHJz-

Allendale-Fairfax Elementary School is celebrating Red Ribbon Week! Today is
Camouflage Day as a way to remind students to, "Be all you can be, drug free!"

Our Superintendent, Dr. Cave, is attending a national conference forum on tomorrow, October 31st at 11:30 AM. She will be speaking on a panel discussing the advancement of rural education. We are so proud and know that she will represent Allendale well. Congratulations Dr. Cave!

Dear Allendale County Families and Students, We are excited to announce that we will be hosting Thanksgiving Dinners again this year! On November 14th, we will be serving a true thanksgiving feast: turkey, dressing, rice with gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, whole wheat roll, yams, orange slices, and pears! Each plate will cost $6. Payments can be sent in advance through your child or you can pay in person. Please pre-register by the deadline, November 12th. We can't wait to serve you!

During our October Board/Community Meeting, Superintendent Dr. Cave offered insight and transparency. She reviewed the results of our state report cards and cellphone policy survey. She also talked about the ways she plans to address areas of concern within our academics and security.