Greetings Parents and/or Guardians,
We are excited about our Summer Learning Exploration that will take place this summer from Monday, June 12 - Friday, June 30, 2023. Information should have been sent home on Monday, March 6th concerning this great opportunity. With that said, it is important you register your child(ren) for summer learning as soon as possible. The registration window is March 6th - April 6th.
We will not have paper registration applications. Please see the registration link below.
If you have more than one student in the district and they attend multiple schools, you would only need to complete one registration form. If you should need assistance with completing the online form, please contact the summer learning contact at your child(ren)'s school. Please see below:
Ms. Marilyn Davis - AFES - CERDEP (3K & 4K)
Ms. Haneefah Hicks or Ms. Lotashia Polite - AFES - Read 2 Succeed Program (K-5)
Ms. Dorothy Priester - AFMS - Summer Learning Program
Ms. Jessica Kinard - AFHS - Credit Recovery Program